Touchpoint Climbs Higher in CRN Fast50 Awards - Touchpoint Technology


Touchpoint Technology is proud to have taken out 15th place in the 2014 CRN Fast50.

A respected annual IT industry award, the CRN Fast50 honours 50 of Australia’s fastest growing resellers, systems integrators and managed service providers, and Touchpoint Technology was up there with the best of them this year. With an impressive 63% growth in the past 12 months, we moved up two places from the 2013 awards, when we grew by 44%.

About the CRN Fast50

The CRN Fast50 is the only awards program in the Australian technology industry that recognises the best companies based entirely on their revenue growth. Rather than an arbitrary judging process, it uses a strictly numbers-based system to recognise those businesses who have been most successful in business over the previous year.

According to the CRN Fast50 organisers, their winners are simply the best at what they do. They understand their customers’ businesses better, use the latest technology better and are simply faster and more efficient in what they do; all of which is reflected in their annual growth rate.

All kinds of IT-related businesses are eligible to enter the CRN Fast50, from tech companies to telecom specialists, hardware resellers to cloud migration experts. And all different sized businesses are represented, from small startups to multi-million dollar companies. The only criteria for success is how much they grew those businesses in the past 12 months.

It’s refreshing to see such impressive growth at a time when many other businesses are experiencing a drop in revenue, demonstrating that IT companies such as Touchpoint Technology are focusing on what really matters most in business; hard work, innovation and exceptional customer service.

About Touchpoint’s growth

Touchpoint Technology are Sydney-based hardware procurement specialists, offering a huge range of new and refurbished equipment, which is all fully tested and warranted and available at up to 90% off the list price of the major manufacturers.

With over 30 years combined experience in IT services, hardware, disaster recovery and management consulting, we are also able to offer expert advice and hands-on solutions to any IT-related problem or challenge.

As a company, we’re now 5 years old and last year was our best example yet of how keeping to our Vision and Values pays dividends. We said ‘No thank you’ to a lot of business because it fell outside of what we’re really good at. By sticking to our niche, we delivered bigger and better results for our customers, as well as ourselves. Now many of the companies we work with are spreading the word about the outcomes they achieved by working with Touchpoint.

Our finance manager, Karen Rice, says Touchpoint’s main areas of growth during the year were in networking and software, with Cisco and Juniper the most sought after networking equipment and Microsoft and VMware making up the majority of software sales. The other growth area was in customers relocating data centres or migrating to the cloud, who Touchpoint was able to assist by reselling their decommissioned or redundant hardware. Residuals are surprisingly high for the right brands, and we can often make a big difference to the bottom line by offering a good return to the customer for the hardware they no longer need.

Despite growth in the cloud, many people aren’t ready yet. In fact, we’re seeing large organisations buying more highly specified hardware than ever before. So in FY2014, we again increased our stock holding which has continued to provide a solid return on investment. We buy in bulk and by holding more of the right stock, we can quickly react to customer demands without having to wait for anyone to get back to us. Fast delivery of a quality product at the right price is still a sure-fire way to impress.

Some of our key growth verticals include Government (especially Defence and Local Government), Education, Finance, Healthcare and Logistics. Many of these types of organisations have highly complex, multi-vendor environments that include both legacy and leading edge hardware – both areas where we excel and can offer real value add.

Our team has also grown this year and is stronger than ever before, bringing more diversity and experience to the table. We all support ‘open and honest’ communication, meaning if there’s a way to do it better, we listen and act.

With a company vision to deliver ‘outstanding and completely satisfying customer service experiences that raise the benchmark of what’s possible in the Australian IT industry’, Touchpoint Technology were delighted with their 15th place in this year’s CRN Fast50 and we’re looking forward to advancing even higher in next year’s rankings.