Secure System Builds
Cyber Security threat levels continue to increase globally as criminals and bad actors intensify their efforts to gain access to Australian Government and Corporate systems.
The need for critical systems to have appropriate levels of Cyber Security hardening is more important than ever before and system designers and builders are steadily lifting their game and devoting more resources and rigour to design and build processes.
In particular, the Australian Signals Directorate continues to provide strong guidelines for the minimum standards that must be met in order for a system to satisfy any of the four Federal Government Security Classifications:
OFFICIAL: Sensitive
ASD codifies these guidelines (aka ‘controls’) in the Information Security Manual (ISM) which it publishes and updates on a quarterly basis.

OPSWAT Peripheral Media Protection Kiosks
Touchpoint has direct experience in the interpretation and application of the ISM and with assisting customers to demonstrate compliance with the relevant ISM controls in order to achieve the required level of security classification.
Touchpoint has identified seven key stages of a Secure System Build:
- Prebuild Planning & Design
- Hardware & Software Procurement
- Facilities Preparation
- System Install & Build
- Documentation & Clearance
- Ongoing Administration & Sustainment
To learn more about how Touchpoint can assist with your Secure System Build please get in touch.